Sunday, December 1, 2019

10.10 - Will it be safe for me to upgrade my Maverick kernel to

I did searched the FAQs about kernel updates, here are somethings I wanna confirm

  1. I learned that I could go to to get latest kernel for 10.10 Maverick, even though it's named under Oneiric.

  2. Will there be any issue regarding to software updates and so forth after I installed the new kernel? (My worry is that all PPA is added based on Maverick and now the kernel is different
    from the original one)

  3. What other disadvantage will there be?

I guess there shouldn't be a problem regarding system stability in general with the addition of this PPA and the installation of this and/or subsequent kernels.

After all, new versions are added up to the list of the already installed kernels, they don't replace the old ones. If a new kernel breaks your system, you can always reboot and select one of the others.

As for the software updates, i also don't think that you're gonna face serious issues.
Most of the kernel development has to do with low-level programming (IRQs, hardware compatibility issues, etc) and minor version upgrades might produce some incompatibilities, but probably won't break your whole system.

As you state in your comment to akbozo, you're willing to test your system and don't have a problem reinstalling if something goes wrong.

So I'd say you go with it.

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