Tuesday, December 17, 2019

grub2 - Can't boot from USB after bundled install

On a carbon X1, I attempted to install 15.10 via usb boot disk. The install progressed until it came to a solid purple screen. On reboot, I now see this

enter image description here

Not panicing myself (pun intended), it appears my options were to just reinstall or use a live USB.

I ensured that secure boot was off and legacy was allowed

enter image description here
enter image description here

However, on reboots, pressing F12, and selecting the USB boot option, I'm now stuck in an endless cycle that just comes back to this screen.

enter image description here

It seems that no matter how I try to format the USB drives, nothing seems to be recognized. I've tried UNETBOOTIN and Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator on a working install of 15.10.

Question: What should I do next? How do I dig myself out of this?

(Kudos to Dominic's answer. Upvoted. This answer is a pure *nix method. )

It's a bug! Specific, it was reported that both USB Startup Creator and UNetbootin were effected. This comment led me to mkusb

I used mkusb with a newly downloaded lubuntu iso.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Status: It's working.

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