Thursday, December 19, 2019

compiling - compile workrave from source

How do I install workrave from source?

I cloned the source from github:

git clone
cd workrave

there is an INSTALL file which sais, I should use ./configure; make; make install but that seems outdated. There is no config file. I found out that I have to use boforehand:

sudo apt-get install autopoint intltool libxtst-dev glib-2.0 python-cheetah glibmm-2.4 gtkmm-2.4

This stops with those warnings:

In file included from
XScreenSaverMonitor.hh:27:38: fatal error: X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

maybe I am missing some packages? How can I find out the needed packages and How do I compile it?

You can find missing files with

apt-file update
apt-file find scrnsaver.h

Which results in

libxss-dev: /usr/include/X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h

You also need the debug symbols to that package that you will find with

apt-cache search libxtst|grep dbg
apt-cache search libxss|grep dbg

So this will be libxtst6-dbg and libxss1-dbg

so this works fine:

sudo apt-get install autopoint intltool libxtst-dev glib-2.0 python-cheetah \
glibmm-2.4 gtkmm-2.4 libxss-dev libxtst6-dbg libxext6-dbg libxss1-dbg
sudo make install

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