Friday, December 27, 2019

How to create .deb package without packages for the dependencies available?

At the moment, I am diving into the .deb packaging system. I'm very new to this, so I have a question to you because I couldn't find an accurate answer on other sites.

Assume I'd like to create a (distributable) .deb package for Software A with pbuilder. The dependencies are libqrencode, libconfig and libABC. For the first to dependencies, there are already packages in the official Ubuntu repositories. So, I only have to add those two libs to the debian/control file (and pbuilder does the rest). But for libABC there's no .deb package in the offical repository and also no PPA etc.

The only thing I have is the source code from GitHub for example.

So, my question is how should I handle this?

  • Do I have to compile libABC from source on my system? But how do I "add" it to pbuilder then?

  • Or do I also have to create another .deb package for libABC first? How could I "add" it to pbuilder? And what if libABC has dependencies without existing .deb packages as well?

  • Or is it a completely different approach?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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