Tuesday, December 31, 2019

bash - Pass arguments from file line by line to function

I have list of some mp3's:

song 1.mp3
song 2.mp3
song 349.mp3

I can see their bitrate via right mouse button -> Properties -> Audio/Video,
but also I can check it using the terminal command

file "song 1.mp3"

I'd like to find out which bitrate from my list is most frequently used, so I thought it would be nicely done via shell i.e. shell script.

I would lose too much time if I typed

file "song 1.mp3"; file "song 2.mp3"; ... ; file "song 349.mp3"

So, my question is :

Can we pass arguments line by line from some text file to shell function?
An additional problem is that my song names contain spaces.

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