Sunday, December 15, 2019

boot-repair not fixing boot issues

I have an ASUS laptop with ubuntu dual booted with windows 10 on separate partitions. The other day after booting into the windows partition, I found that when I try to boot back to the ubuntu partition I only get a black screen and can not boot into ubuntu.

I posted the initial problem here: trouble booting into dual booted ubunutu after running windows
and found a possible solution to try using boot-repair.

Using boot repair, I get the message that the boot-repair was successful, however the black screen problem still persists when trying to boot into ubuntu from GRUB.

Boot repair gives me the following URL for troubleshooting in case the problem persists (which it does):

I would like some help going through the above URL and troubleshooting to solve the problem of not being able to boot into ubuntu.

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