Sunday, December 23, 2018

What are Kernel Version number components (w.x.yy-zzz) called?

When looking at kernel version numbers installed in /boot using a work in progress command (find /boot/vm* -printf "%A@ %p\n") I see:

1469098968.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-3.13.0-92-generic
1477523408.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-3.2.0-113-generic
1476549941.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-43-generic
1477008540.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.4.0-45-generic
1470540722.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.6.3-040603-generic
1471805944.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.7.1-040701-generic
1472208664.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.7.2-040702-generic
1473382012.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.7.3-040703-generic
1474853146.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.7.5-040705-generic
1475960925.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.1-040801-generic
1477145804.0000000000 /boot/vmlinuz-4.8.4-040804-generic

What are the proper names for "w.xx.y-zzz" that follows the vmlinuz prefix?

The proposed duplicate link (What does the fourth number in the release version mean?)states the second segment is called the ABI Number. The answer below by muru states the fourth segment is the ABI Number however I believe both are wrong based on the links provided in my own answer below.

Keep in mind this question is about ALL four segments w.x.yy-zzz and not just the fourth segment zzz.

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