Tuesday, December 25, 2018

sudo - Unble to use administrator account created without password

I installed Ubuntu 11.10 two days back. Today I added a user named vivi and set it to administrator. And I just changed vivek, my username, to standard user. Now, since I created new user vivi, I have not supplied any password for it, yet I am unable to perform any administrator actions. Can anybody help me to restore administrative privileges?

Not sure if the above answer will work, since under live cd, you can't edit the system which installed too easily.

boot from the live CD, or mount the drive some other way, then edit /etc/group from your installed system. Make sure your have a line like admin:x:119:vivi - don't change the number if it's different, just add your user name at the end of the line.

You also have the option of editing the passwd file, editing the root entry so you can login, but that's probably less likely to work well

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