Friday, December 21, 2018

How to install an up-to-date 18.04 server 32-bit?

Ubuntu 18.04 does not come with 32-bit standard ISO files. However, a minimal install ISO is available.

I have some older machines on which I would like to install a server, so 32-bit is a requirement. There are two problems:

  1. The minimal install ISO (as of today, 6 May 2018) appears to be a pre-release version. The file has a timestamp of 2018-04-25 21:23, which is a day or two before the release date. This is true of the 64-bit version as well.

  2. I want to ensure that I have the exact same installation as I would get if I installed from a full (and post-release) server ISO.

What should I do to obtain a complete and up-to-date 32-bit installation? If I simply install from the pre-release mini.iso and select the server packages during installation, will this achieve my aim?

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