Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Read kernel messages page by page from screan at boot time?

How can I read the messages of kernel page by page on the screan at the boot time ?
I know the "dmesg" command or /var/log ... but my box crashes before booting could have finished.
Is there any option of vmlinuz or grub to stop its messages page by page on the screen at boot time?
(I removed the boot parameters of kernel: "quiet splash", so I have a lots of msg on the screan. But the rows run away quickly.)

The "loglevel=4" kernel’s command-line parameter was useful to me in grub menu at start time.
With this option the "warning, notice, info, debug" lots of kernel messages was suppressed on the screen. And only all error type msgs was printed on the screen.
Here are all the kernel's parameter and other loglevel values.
So it was a good workaround for the original question.

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