Tuesday, January 31, 2017

grub2 - Cannot boot on Windows 7 after installing Ubuntu 14.04

I'm totally new to Ubuntu and was really interested in it. I followed the tutorial on how to install it in dualboot with Windows 7 carefully, and gave it a try.

Ubuntu 14.04 is booting fine with GRUB, but after trying to boot on Windows 7, I got a BSOD. Repair tools did nothing so I searched on the internet.

I've found this thing called Boot Repair, but instead of giving more choices in GRUB (which didn't help at all), nothing changed. I got the ubuntu paste from Boot Repair here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/12279582/

If you could help, I'd be really happy ! I must miss something really stupid but as I said, it's the first time I installed Ubuntu in my life.

Note : I haven't made any restore point from my Win 7, and I can't figure out how to get this Windows Repair Kit CD (I know, I'm stupid)

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