Monday, January 23, 2017

How much slower will my computer be with Ubuntu (instead of Lubuntu)?

So I was given an old computer which I'm going to use as a second desktop next to my main computer for minor tasks like checking my e-mails, listening to music etc.
It know has Lubuntu, but I'd prefer to use Ubuntu because it's fully supported and has a more appealing environment. Currently, Lubuntu uses about 400mb of my RAM, but how much more RAM will Ubuntu use? Do you suggest sticking to Lubuntu if I want speed or Ubuntu will work, too? Also, if I format the Hard Disk, will ubuntu automatically find the drivers or I'm going to have to download them manually?

This is its hardware:
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz ‖ RAM 1508 MiB ‖ Gigabyte 8IG1000MK ‖ nVidia NV44A GeForce 6200

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