Monday, December 19, 2016

partitioning - Issue with increasing the root partition from the swap

I have an issue with increase the size of my root partition. I have ElementaryOS Luna, and while installing it asked me how much space I want to use. I choosed 15 GB for it, because I want to use this as an alternative system. The issue is that after the installation was complete, I found out that my root partition is only 7 GB big, and SWAP is 8 GB which is useless cuz I have 8 GB of RAM. Now I want to shrink the swap and increase the size of my root partition, so I booted the LiveCD and used GParted. I shrinked the swap without any problems, but now I cant add that free space to any partition. I also turned Swap off. I would add a picture, but I need at least 10 reputation to post images ( Stupid )

Its also worth mentioning that in Gparted its showing my partition in a different way. I would post an image BUT I CANT, so I need to write it down.

Its something like this

  • [Pointing arrow down] /dev/sda4 Extended

  • /dev/sda5 ntfs

  • /dev/sda6 ext4 (Which is my main partition)

  • /dev/sda7 linux-swap

  • unallocated


enter image description here

Good shot! :-) now try this:

  1. swap off

  2. move the swap as far as possible into the unallocated area

  3. commit the change

    if this fails, then stop and report it here.

  4. grow your ext4 partition

  5. commit the change

    report if it worked or where it failed.

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