Friday, December 30, 2016

partitioning - Can I use the Ubuntu 12.10 live CD to resize partions and upgrade from 12.04?

I am running a dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 installation with Windows 7. I have a 160GB hard drive. Currently the partitions are arranged (shown from left to right on the disk utility) sda1 (WinRE)13GB:sda2(Windows'C')52GB:sda4 with sda5 and sda6(Ubuntu 12.04)46GB:sda3 (Windows'D')49GB. I have downloaded and burnt an Ubuntu 12.10 DVD.

I want to take space from sda3 and increase the Ubuntu partition. sda3 is virtually empty (only 350MB used) because I am only using Windows for iTunes and a very few drivers/programmes that I need occasionally.

My question - can I use the Ubuntu 12.10 DVD to both change the partition scheme to increase the Ubuntu space AND upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10? If so, can anyone point me to a clear set of instructions? Thanks for any advice.

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