Saturday, December 31, 2016

dual boot - grub2 installation fails for Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I have been trying to install Ubuntu 16.04 on my Lenovo Ideapad500-15isk alongside windows 7 using a usb live disc.

I have kept 8200MB of swap space

and 20482MB of mount point /

and around 390 GB of space with mount point /home.

I downloaded the 64 bit ISO file from and used rufus as well as the Startup disc creator in Ubuntu to create the live disc.

But the Ubuntu Installation fails to load grub 2 every time. What could have possibly gone wrong?

Also since I'm already using a 64bit windowsi doubt that is the problem.

apt - Ubuntu 18.04 Can't upgrade because of libpython3.6 version conflicts

After having updated to Ubuntu 18.04, when I try to upgrade my system via

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

I get this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages have been kept back:
gdb gir1.2-peas-1.0 libpeas-1.0-0 openshot
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.

Of course I tried sudo apt install -f without success:

$ sudo apt install -f
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.

One suggested solution was to install each separately, but that doesn't work either:

$ sudo apt install libpeas-1.0-0
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libpeas-1.0-0 : Depends: libpython3.6 (>= 3.6.4~rc1) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

So I tried to install libpython3.6, which doesn't work because

 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libpython3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.5-3) but 3.6.5-5~16.04.york1 is to be installed

Now I can't remove/install/downgrade to this version because apt would then remove about 200 packages including things like xorg, firefox, gnome-session and pretty much every package I ever heard of.

One other thing I wanted to try taken from the question here was

sudo dpkg --install --force all /var/cache/apt/archives/libpython3[version].deb

but there was no file with my needed version number.

Edit: I downloaded the specific version via apt download libpython3.6-stdlib=3.6.5-3 and installed it with above command. Now I can neither do upgrade nor autoremove, and I get this warning for both:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libpython3.6-stdlib : Depends: libpython3.6-minimal (= 3.6.5-3) but 3.6.5-5~16.04.york1 is installed
python3.6 : Depends: libpython3.6-stdlib (= 3.6.5-5~16.04.york1) but 3.6.5-3 is installed

What else can I do? Thanks for any help.

The issue was caused by the jonathonf/python-3.6 PPA I had enabled in 16.04. The upgrade to 18.04. disabled this PPA, installed the libpython3.6 in the non-ppa version (the york version are from the PPA), and therefore caused a missing dependency. First I had to revert the downgrade mentioned in the Edit with analogous apt download and forced dpkg commands.

I reenabled the PPA (also changed bionic to xenial in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jonathonf-ubuntu-python-3_6-xenial.list) and after an easy

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -f && sudo apt upgrade

everything is working fine now again.

14.04 - The location of an application shown in Dash menu

In "dash" menu there're a few applications, or rather links to the applications, which don't exist in /usr/share/applications and which I want to copy to my desktop.
I've tried to "locate" and "find" but met with no success.
I'm unable to drag them to Desktop because of the well-known error.

Where can I find them?

Unity does not load after installing Ubuntu 15.04

I performed a clean install of Ubuntu 15.04 on a Dell XPS 13, but Unity fails to load. After login I see only the desktop background and the mouse pointer but nothing else. Also, right and left clicking does not work and I cannot load a terminal.

I can start Unity by hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1, logging in and running startx, then right click and Open Terminal and then Unity, but that's not a solution. Also even if I do that I don't get the Menu Bar.

I tried pretty much everything I could find on Google to solve this, incl. making sure Unity plugin is enabled on CompizConfig, reinstalling Ubuntu desktop and Unity or running dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ and then setsid unity, but nothing helped.

On Ubuntu 14.04 everything worked fine. Any other ideas?

Friday, December 30, 2016

boot - In recovery mode, cannot type in the terminal

So I have been having problems with my graphics card (Nvidia Geforece GT 620) and Ubuntu not reading it. I then booted into recovery mode to try and get any updates.

Upon clicking recovery mode, all of the recovery menu items (resume, clean, dpkg, failsafeX, fsck, grub, network, and system-summary) all prompt me with error messages, Continuing with remount you / filesystem in read/write mode and mount any other filesystem defined in /etc/fstab. Do you wish to continue?. When I hit yes, it will bring up a terminal at the bottom which I can type into but it does not return anything when i hit enter.

When in I drop to root shell prompt from the GRUB, i can type in sudo apt-get install nvidia-update and get

W: Not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock
E: Unable to write /var/cache/apt/
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened

When I boot normally, I get an error message that says "The system is running in low-graphics mode. Your screen, graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure them yourself." And the result of any of the options after that screen are a black screen with some writing already on it, and it will let me type but not accept any commands. WHAT TO DO?

downloads - Where to find the checksums of Ubuntu ISO images?

I just downloaded the ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso, and am having a hard time burning it, so I'd like to check that the file is intact, but I cannot find the md5sum of the file.

Is there a URL or official FTP mirror which includes the md5sum of the Ubuntu disk images?

In your case the md5sum is 59d15a16ce90c8ee97fa7c211b7673a8

16.04 - How to fix not signed repos which worked before?

on an Ubuntu 16.04 server I get the following messages when running sudo apt-get update:

E: The repository ' stable
Release' is no longer signed. N: Updating from such a repository can't
be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default. N: See
apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration
details. E: The repository '
xenial-security Release' is no longer signed. N: Updating from such a
repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by
default. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user
configuration details. W: The repository
' binary/ Release' is not signed.
N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore
potentially dangerous to use. N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for
repository creation and user configuration details.

The server is behind a proxy which works, for example I ran wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - and it just printed OK. But when running sudo apt-get update the same errors as shown above are printed.

How do I fix this?

Okay, I fixed it with the help of dino99. The Google and Jenkins repositories needed https. To fix the Security repository I replaced xenial-security Release with xenial-security main restricted universe multiverse.
Not sure what the exact issue is, but it worked.

dual boot - Common protected (Encrypted) partition for both Windows and Ubuntu

I have installed Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04 on my hard drive (Dual Boot). I like to have a common encrypted partition which will be available for both Windows and Ubuntu.

When I was using Windows as my only Operating System, I used BitLocker for this. Since now I'm using both Windows & Ubuntu, I cannot use BitLocker because BitLocker doesn't support Ubuntu.

So, What is the best way to have a common encrypted partition?
In addition, are there any partition formats/types (fat32, NTFS, etc.) specially designed for encryption?

software installation - Install projectlibre in 14.04

I am trying to install project ProjectLibre in a new installation of Ubuntu 14.04. I am new at this and need step by step help. Thanks.

unity - Top panel and launcher missing in new installation of ubuntu 13.04

I have just installed ubuntu 13.04 on my ThinkPad laptop. I am missing the Unity launcher on the left and the Unity panel bar across the top. I only found references to the same problem for upgrades, so I tried everything written here, here and here with no success.
However, referring to the second link, I ran ccsm and found my Ubuntu Unity Plugin unchecked. Checking it required to also enable the OpenGL and so I did. But, apparently I am unable to enable the OpenGL. Trying to enable it manually...and the checkbox gets automatically unchecked after few seconds.

Please help.

Update: I have Intel graphics driver, maybe the problem is specifically with it?. I also tried running ccsm after logging using CTRL+ALT+F1 like given here. I was able to enable OpenGL and the Ubuntu Unity Plugin there, but still, no effect on my display, also after reboot.

partitioning - Can I use the Ubuntu 12.10 live CD to resize partions and upgrade from 12.04?

I am running a dual boot Ubuntu 12.04 installation with Windows 7. I have a 160GB hard drive. Currently the partitions are arranged (shown from left to right on the disk utility) sda1 (WinRE)13GB:sda2(Windows'C')52GB:sda4 with sda5 and sda6(Ubuntu 12.04)46GB:sda3 (Windows'D')49GB. I have downloaded and burnt an Ubuntu 12.10 DVD.

I want to take space from sda3 and increase the Ubuntu partition. sda3 is virtually empty (only 350MB used) because I am only using Windows for iTunes and a very few drivers/programmes that I need occasionally.

My question - can I use the Ubuntu 12.10 DVD to both change the partition scheme to increase the Ubuntu space AND upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10? If so, can anyone point me to a clear set of instructions? Thanks for any advice.

file format - What is the output of `cat image.png`?

What does the output mean when you do cat image.png?

Is this what the image actually is made of?

Does it matter what file extension the image has?

cat will print out the content of the file (zeroes and ones which will be mapped to meaningless characters, because they're not really characters right?) into stdout which by default is your terminal.

The file extension is for us (humans), to easily figure out what is the type of file; some programs use it to open it too but mostly programs detect the file type using a header inside the file.

Use file file.png to get the file type, or xxd file.png:

00000000: 8950 4e47 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452  .PNG........IHDR
00000010: 0000 0002 0000 0002 0800 0000 0057 dd52 .............W.R
00000020: f800 0000 0e49 4441 5478 9c63 6c60 6062``b
00000030: 6000 0002 9200 84f7 7ca3 5800 0000 0049 `.......|.X....I
00000040: 454e 44ae 4260 82 END.B`.

to get a hex dump of the file content, notice the "PNG" in the first line.

Also from this file signatures reference we can see that PNG signature is:

PNG     89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A     PNG image

Thursday, December 29, 2016

wubi - Logon Failed Ubuntu 13.04

I have a problem with my Ubuntu 13.04.

I installed it beside Windows 8 using the Wubi-installer. I installed Ubuntu on another partition of my primary hard disk as Windows 8.

When I boot in Ubuntu, I have to give a username and a password but the machine keeps saying that it is the wrong password. Even when I gave 'pppp' as a password during the installation I'm not able to logon to my Ubuntu machine.

Can somebody please help me?


nginx - Does Ubuntu generally post timely security updates?

Concrete issue: The Oneiric nginx package is at version 1.0.5-1, released in July 2011 according to the changelog.

The recent memory-disclosure vulnerability (advisory page, CVE-2012-1180, DSA-2434-1) isn't fixed in 1.0.5-1. If I'm not misreading the Ubuntu CVE page, all Ubuntu versions seem to ship a vulnerable nginx.

  1. Is this true?

    If so: I thought there was a security team at Canonical that's actively working on issues like this, so I expected to get a security update within a short timeframe (hours or days) through apt-get update.

  2. Is this expectation -- that keeping my packages up-to-date is enough to stop my server from having known vulnerabilities -- generally wrong?

  3. If so: What should I do to keep it secure? Reading the Ubuntu security notices wouldn't have helped in this case, as the nginx vulnerability was never posted there.

Ubuntu is currently divided into four components: main, restricted, universe and multiverse. Packages in main and restricted are supported by the Ubuntu Security team for the life of an Ubuntu release, while packages in universe and multiverse are supported by the Ubuntu community. See the security team FAQ for more information.

Since nginx is in the Universe component, it does not get updates from the security team. It is up to the community to fix security issues in that package. See here for the exact procedure.

You can use Software Center or the ubuntu-support-status command line tool to determine which packages are officially supported, and for how long.

Update from the future: Nginx is moving to main so will receive support from the Ubuntu Security Team at that point. If you're unsure whether your version will, just look at apt-cache show nginx and look for the "Section" tag. When that's in Main, you're getting Canonical support for it.

software recommendation - What Application Indicators are available?

This question exists because it has historical significance, but it is not considered a good, on-topic question for this site, so please do not use it as evidence that you can ask similar questions here. While you are encouraged to help maintain its answers, please understand that "big list" questions are not generally allowed on Ask Ubuntu and will be closed per the help center.

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on one of my systems and I am using the Unity interface. Unity is working quite well so far but I really miss panel applets for net speed, cpu temp, and system monitor.

These applets are useful for viewing quick info. Unlike 10.10, there is no other way to get this info onto the panel or unity launcher. There are solutions like screenlets and conky but they don't feel appropriate for a clean desktop look.

If you know one then please list out any third party indicators with links so that they can be found.

Category: Other

StackApplet is a GNOME panel applet that monitors your activity on any StackExchange site.


stackapplet Install stackapplet in Ubuntu Software Center

For Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04:

Get the latest version as follows:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:stackapplet-dev/stackapplet
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install stackapplet

The first time the application is used, run

python /usr/share/stackapplet/ &

from a terminal.

apt - Can't install AMD drivers ubuntu 14.04

So when i try to install AMD driver from their website it always give me that error:

  • Please install the required pre-requisites before proceeding with AMD
    Catalyst installation. Please check file
    usr/share/ati/fglrx-install.log for more details.

I already have installed all stuff from log, but there is one thing that I don't know how to fix :


  • NOTE: If your system has logged the missing packages required for
    installation, install them in the order as per the log file to
    resolve package-dependency issues. fglrx installation requires that
    the system has kernel headers.
    /lib/modules/4.2.0-41-generic/build/include/linux/version.h cannot be
    found on this system. Install kernel headers using the command
    apt-get install linux-headers-4.2.0-41-generic.

The package name is actually linux-headers-generic-lts-wily that you want to install. This should pull in the headers and keep them updated with kernel updates you install.

Applications installed with snap from 'Ubuntu Software Center' app store fail to launch - Ubuntu 19.04


Applications Installed from the 'Ubuntu Software Center' app store, like Chromium and Visual Studio Code will not launch. Pre-installed applications like Firefox work fine. I got Chromium to work by uninstalling it from the store GUI and reinstalling it via the terminal with apt, so this leads me to think it might have something to do with snap package manager. I could theoretically install all my applications with apt from now on, but I'd like to use the app store.


After running "sudo tail -f /var/log/syslog" in the terminal and clicking on the Visual Studio Code Icon, it fails to launch and the terminal reports the following:

Jun  5 10:58:30 robby-zenbook gnome-shell[1716]: g_environ_setenv: assertion 'value != NULL' failed
Jun 5 10:58:30 robby-zenbook code_code.desktop[1716]: snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

boot - How do i create a bootable ISO usb?

I bought an HP Netbook it doesnt have a CD ROM Drive,

I then bought an elite HP laptop off a well know shopping site, it was delivered and on powerup it goes to bitlocker screen, I am not interested in the contents of the laptop but need to get it working

I can download the ISO on my netbook, but dont know how to create a bootable USB from download - I need to keep the netbook as microsoft (unfortunately) so cant use the help on ubuntu ...

Please help? Note I am not technically minded and a friend directed me to the site from the US.

This is a tool, I always use to create bootable Ubuntu ISO on USB LILI USB Creator. You can use this tool to create bootable ISO. Although, tool is simple, still if you find some difficulty in using this tool, Here's the User Guide

Where is the result of the "apt-get update" package list stored

I have 20 to 3o computers on my network and I have a copy of the debian packages on /var/cache/apt/archives but when I take this downloaded copy to any other machine I need to hit an "apt-get update" , How do I avoid this ? Where is the list of packages which is updated by that command stored. I need to copy them as well, and use it on a computer which is completely offline.

Unable to dual-boot Ubuntu 14.04 with pre-installed Windows 8.1 (Sony Vaio S series Laptop)

I recently installed Ubuntu on dual-boot mode with pre-installed Windows 8.1. When I turn on my laptop, it boots straight to Windows without showing boot option or GRUB. However, I can boot to Ubuntu by doing, in windows, an Advanced Restart --> Boot from device, and I can see Ubuntu here. By doing this I can get into GRUB and boot into Ubuntu without any problem. I have tried all the ways I could find on the Internet and failed. Asking a question is my last resort, so I really hope someone could help.

P.S. I tried doing boot repair and this is the URL to pastebin:

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

wine - Measure FPS of the game

I'd like to find an analogue of Fraps or any other fps counter on Ubuntu 12.10.

After some googling I found 2 solutions:

  1. To use Mumble (I found it from this discussion). This solution didn't work for me because after launching the game:

    mumble-overlay game

    I got this error:

    game: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/mumble/ undefined symbol: glPopClientAttrib

    And I didn't find any fix of this error in the WEB.

  2. To use WINEDEBUG=fps with osd_cat. It works only with wine (only Windows games). Found from reading this discussion and this article. It shows FPS during play but the output is definitely wrong - 0.15-0.18 fps. And it doesn't matter if game really runs slow or fast - the result is always the same.

Does anyone know how to fix these errors? Or are there any other solutions? Thanks for the help.

16.04 - How do I restore the apt source list in terminal

How do I restore the apt source list in the terminal when I suffer from a malformed error?

When I tried to solve this error, the source list was cleaned by mistake. Now what do I do to restore the source list?

Whenever I use the command - sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list a blank page is showing.

drivers - Nvidia Optimus + CUDA + bumblebee + 14.04

I am the unfortunate to have laptop with optimus technology(nvidia gpu + intel integrated gpu), which seems to make a lot of problems to the new Ubutnu users.

I'm running fresh Ubuntu 14.04 install with Nvidia GPU: gtx 760m, and I want to install the following set: nvidia driver + bumblebee + CUDA 6.5 + Nsight Eclipse. I'm interested in running only few program on nvidia GPU via bumblebee and its $optirun command. The rest of the system I want to stay and run on the intel's GPU.

I've searched the whole internet on how to do that, and each search gave sometimes completely different, and sometimes slightly different answers. I followed some of them and each time I failed.

Nvidia driver:

  • should I install the latest driver (340.46 and just run it? Or later driver?

  • Should I install the driver via terminal ? Via Software&Updates ? Or maybe from another repository?

  • Some users say to blacklist opensource nouveau driver. Some user say the installation process does it automatically. Lots of users end with the black screen problem


  • some surces say to

sudo apt-get install nvidia-cuda-toolkit

  • some say just

sudo apt-get install cuda

Could someone who DOES know the problem inside out, paste here the step by step solution? Which driver, from what source? How to verify each installation and step. It'd be helpful for every user struggling with this issue.

16.04 - How to startup a script automatically after login

I Have a Ubuntu Headless Server and I want to run a basic script after I login how can I configure my server to run the script automatically after login?

echo "Hello $USER"
echo "Today is \c ";date
echo "Number of user login : \c" ; who | wc -l
echo "Calendar"
exit 0

You can add those lines at the end of your ~/.bashrc file which will get executed when you login.

I'm talking about the ~/.bashrc serverside. When you have added your lines and logout and ssh back in these lines will get executed. You can leave out the last line of your script.

If the ~/.bashrc does not exist you can simply create it or even better copy it:

cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ~/.bashrc

and make sure your ~/.profile file contains the following lines:

# if running bash
if [ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ]; then
# include .bashrc if it exists
if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then
. "$HOME/.bashrc"

Monday, December 26, 2016

debugging - How can I debug my wireless problem?

How can I get started with debugging my wireless problem?

  • How can I tell whether or not Linux has recognized my wireless hardware at all?

  • What are the main programs/daemons associated with wireless connectivity?

  • Where are the log files for those programs?

  • Do those programs have debug modes that I can access?

  • How can I tell whether a bug is in a userspace program or in a driver?

Edit: This was originally a more complex question with other inquiries about wireless driver hacking and debugging. I have removed those bullet points and plan to create another question to cover them, possibly on Unix & Linux SE.

software installation - How to install Openshot 2.0 side by side with 1.4.3?

I'd like to install Openshot 2.0 separately from 1.4.3 (say in opt, for example).

I'd tried running the appImage but it doesn't work due to incompatible libraries (weird for a self-contained application, I know).

As of recently (since the time of posting the question) Openshot 2.0.x can now be installed (via the libopenshot ppa) side by side with 1.4.x.

system installation - How do I upgrade from x86 to x64 without losing settings?

Is there an easy way to upgrade the system to x64 from x86 without losing settings and having to repartition etc?

14.04 - How to upgrade ubuntu if i get 'Authenticating the upgrade failed'?

I want to upgrade my ubuntu 14.04 distribution to the 16.04.

I'm working in a domain buy I have sudo permissions, the repositories point to our private repositories

I try to upgrade with the command do-release upgrade and the application and I got this error.

$ sudo do-release-upgrade
Checking for a new Ubuntu release
Get:1 Upgrade tool signature [198 B]
Get:2 Upgrade tool [1262 kB]
Fetched 1262 kB in 0s (0 B/s)
authenticate 'xenial.tar.gz' against 'xenial.tar.gz.gpg'
gpg exited 1
Debug information:
gpg: Signature made dc 26 oct 2016 16:32:27 CEST using DSA key ID 437D05B5
gpg: /tmp/ubuntu-release-upgrader-gzuou970/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: BAD signature from "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key "
Authentication failed Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.

And when I try to upgrade through Software updater I get this error.

enter image description here

How could I do this?

Ubuntu Tablet on Nexus 7 - where is the new UI?

I have followed both sets of instructions here : but both methods are installing the Ubuntu Desktop to the device? This is quite an impressive feat on its own, but I have seen videos of people using the phone UI on a Nexus 7? Is there an alternative install that I can try to achieve this?

Because you followed wrong tutorial.

That was to install ubuntu desktop on nexus 7.

Here is the actual,

How to make bootable usb from part iso files?

I am trying to make a bootable usb disk for a linux distro. The image files i downloaded is in parts like linux_dvd1of3.iso, linux_dvd2of3.iso, linux_dvd3of3.iso. I want to write these part iso files into usb to create a bootable usb disk. How can I make a bootable usb disk using these part iso files?

drivers - Trouble installing Ubuntu 16.04 since I got GTX 1070

I was running ubuntu with windows, and once I got my GTX 1070, and installed the nvidia drivers on windows it caused Ubuntu to go black screen whenever I would load it from grub. Additionally my asus monitor has a box that says "out of range" whenever I tried to run Ubuntu with the black screen. When I ran ubuntu it would be the black screen with the box that says "out of range", but I could still hear it going to the login screen.

I erased my SSD and reinstalled windows with the nvidia drivers and now when I try to install ubuntu it loads up from my usb, and it turns black once at the install screen. I have never had this problem until I got the GTX 1070. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Sunday, December 25, 2016

command line - XFree86-Mesa-libGL , XFree86-libs

I'm new to Linux and today I'm trying to install AMD Catalyst™ 15.9 Proprietary Linux Graphics Driver for my HD 7650M.

Everything so far is good, but when I try to install XFree86-Mesa-libGL and XFree86-libs in terminal via sudo apt install XFree86-Mesa-libGL XFree86-libs it shows:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
E: Unable to locate package XFree86-Mesa-libGL
E: Unable to locate package XFree86-libs

Any ideas how I can install these packages?

Windows 7 not booting from Ubuntu 12.10 boot menu

  1. Am having windows 7 in one hard drive.

  2. I installed Ubuntu in second hard drive.

  3. Am configured BIOS to boot second hard drive first (Ubuntu OS).

  4. and then i updated grub, so its shows windows 7 in the boot list.

  5. I can boot in to ubuntu, but i can't boot into windows 7, its shows error A disk read error occured Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart .

  6. then am configured BIOS again to load windows 7 first, it shows windows 7 and ubuntu in the boot list, windows 7 is working, but i can't boot into ubuntu..

Help to solve this problem.. i want dual boot from any one of the drive...

Screen Resolution Problem with Ubuntu 14.04 and VirtualBox

Environment: Lenovo T530 running Windows 7. Have installed Ubuntu 14.04 on a virtual machine using VM Virtual Box. Have installed all the updates from both Virtual Box and Ubuntu.

Problem: While in Ubuntu's desktop and other Ubuntu initiated programs, the window is reduced to about 3x4 inches showing in the middle of the rest of my regular Virtual Box window. I am seeing only the upper right hand of the screen output of what I would normally see. Please help.

I've seen How do I install Guest Additions in a VirtualBox VM?

But, none of these answers works in 14.04.

12.04 - Error while installing drivers

When I tried to install additional drivers in Ubuntu 12.02 via terminal,I got this error message:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nvidia-current
[sudo] password for reidsr:
Error: need a repository as argument

Can anyone tell me what's wrong?


login - How do I always run in low graphics mode?

How do I always run in low graphics mode? In normal mode my computer crashes unexpectedly every now and again which is very frustrating when work is lost. After a crash, it gives me the option to log in using the low graphics mode. In this mode, my computer never seems to crash.

So does anyone know how I can always start in low graphics mode?

I get this problem in Ubuntu 10.04.

Just do the following. Go to System-administration-login screen and change to the safemodeenter image description here

Saturday, December 24, 2016

partitioning - How to split the disk partition having Ubuntu?

I want to create partition of my Hard Disk but the partition contains Ubuntu installed in it. I have GParted installed but since the partition contains Ubuntu I can't unmount. Is there any way I can create partition without losing the files that I have and with ubuntu still lying there?

You need a live CD. Manipulating partitions can't be done while mounted unless you used LVM (and even then there could be some problems).

grub2 - How do I investigate boot and partition issues?

My machine won't boot or won't choose the right operating system when I choose it in the GRUB menu. What information do I need to provide in my questions so people can help me?

The boot info script it a great way to get information for what's going on, especially to troubleshoot what's going on with your boot and partitions.

For 12.04 and newer:

sudo apt-get install boot-info-script pastebinit

And then run boot_info_script.

If you need to share the information with someone to help you with your partitions (especially here on Ask Ubuntu, you can use it in conjunction with pastebinit to post your boot information on the web:

sudo boot_info_script --stdout | pastebinit

This will automatically send the information to and return a URL for you. Take that URL and then edit it to your question.

For 11.10 and earlier:

  • Download the Boot Info Script

  • Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice.

  • Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal in Gnome) and type:

    sudo bash [path/to/the/download_folder]/

  • For example if you downloaded the file to the desktop, use:

    sudo bash ~/Desktop/

  • You will now have the file RESULTS.txt in the same directory as the script. But if the script is inside a system directory (like /usr or
    /etc) RESULTS.txt will be in the home directory.

If you have pastebinit installed you can send the results directly to

sudo bash --stdout | pastebinit

Grub Rescue: No such partition error ! Cannot boot from USB

It seems that I have to deal with a classical grubrescue issue but despite many researches I can't fix it or find answers to some questions either.

What I did ?

I bought an Asus laptop 6 years ago with windows 7 pre-installed. I immediately installed Ubuntu and this dual boot configuration was working fine until I decided to restaure Windows with the recovery partition. I choosed to re installed in the entire hdd which was not the best idea.

Therefore, I get the famous grubrescue mode.

Error: no such partition.
grub rescue> ls
(hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1)
grub rescue> set


I understood the old Ubuntu partition is deleted and so grub cannot find files system on it (The 3 partitions listed are probably System, Data and Recovery partition for Win7).
I am now trying to boot on a USB drive (where I installed a clean Ubuntu or one boot-repair liveUSB) but I have to face others issues:

I could access to the bios but everything is hidden and protected by a Administrator Password (Installed during recovery set up I think).

I also tried to use rescue mode commands, but my laptop cannot read the USB partition:

grub rescue> ls
(hd0) (hd0,msdos3) (hd0,msdos2) (hd0,msdos1) (hd1) (hd1,msdos1)
grub rescue> ls (hd1,msdos1)/
error: unknown filesystem.

I get the same error when I set prefix and root to the usb partition and try to load module with insmod command.

I don't uderstand what I did wrong because I can boot and use Ubuntu from the USB drive on another laptop (Macbook Pro)..

If anyone get the same troubles and known a solution.
Thank's in advance !

Finally overcome the issue but it was tricky and long..

1. Reset BIOS

First, I decided to try the BIOS reset in order to remove the admin password that do not allow me to change boot order and give priority to USB. I completely disassemble the laptop (don't forget to get out the battery and power cable) and remove the CMOS battery for 10 minutes and put it back. After that I could enter in BIOS with admin privileges.

I think that part is not quite difficult, but a bit dangerous and could damage the laptop. It should be your last try to solve grub rescue or bios error.

2. Boot on USB flash drive

I created an USB live partition with the last Ubuntu Os from the .iso file thanks to rufus software. I choose MBR system (for BIOS or UEFI) and in NTFS format I think.

Then, I changed boot order in BIOS and I could boot on Ubuntu.

3. Fix grub bootloader

I follow the second section of that blog (without understanding exactly how lilo works) :

4. Reboot on windows

After that, the computer booted directly on the recovery windows partition. As I've already used it (the reason of my issue) I press the cancel button, and I could boot on windows system partition. The final installation was quite long and the OS rebooted several times, but now everything seems ok.

Don't know if my description is very clear but it could help someone !

boot - Automatically Run a Command/script at startup

This question is ALL over ubuntu, with MODS saying its duplicate, but I have found no good answers!

I want to run the command, (this will work for script as well)

sudo service deluged restart

at boot after everything is done, IE: last thing to run

I first found this post, marked duplicate

Auto Run a command at startup

Which seth blocked from future help and linked to this post

Start Applications at startup

First off, I run a server, not a desktop (Which is what the linked "duplicate" guide shows you), so I can only use CLI based guides. Second those are 2 different questions.

Then there is this post

Run a command at startup

Marked as duplicate and linked to this question which may answer his specific question, but does not answer the question, run a command at boot.

Why isn't my upstart service starting on system boot?

Anyway, there is more!, but what I am getting at is I know what I want is just ONE example of how to do this via CLI and simple. I am not a coder, but I can read code and edit it to suit my needs and understand it, i just can't create it so to speak.

As another mod (takkat) has said, this is a duplicate of a question relating to

how to enable to disable services but again my point is that this post, i am using

sudo service deluged restart

as an example on how to run a command/script at boot, not troubleshooting why a service is not runnnig. While rc.local may serve as a dirty fix for a problem i have, deluge web-ui auto connect it can be used in a lot of other situations.

please try to answer the question directly, not give me links to what you think might help, and if it is a duplicate then link to a cli guide that covers HOW TO RUN A COMMAND/SCRIPT AT BOOT, because CLI guides can be used by both desktop and server users of Ubuntu.

rc.local has solved this for me, and although I have read is outdated But kept around for compatibility, if somebody has the updated, but JUST AS SIMPLE answer, please share as I will update my server.

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

and I tried adding both

# By default this script does nothing.

sudo service deluged restart

exit 0

the first, i created a script in /home/donut/

with JUST

sudo service deluged restart

the second I just pasted the command right into rc.local

The second works fine for me, but if you have a long script, or a script you want to change a lot without editing rc.local, then the first option is for you.


16.04 - Unable to Download Wine due to Update Error?

I'm looking for a way to successfully run Age of Empires II on my chromebook. I'm using xenial currently and have tried every which way to make Wine work, but with no success. My issue seems to be after I add the repository, I update before downloading Wine2.0, but I get a whole lot of error messages which I think is causing the problem. Unfortunately I have no coding experience whatsoever so i don't really no what it means. Anyway, when I input

sudo apt-get update

I get in return

Hit:1 xenial InRelease
Hit:2 xenial InRelease
Hit:3 xenial-updates InRelease

Err:4 https://dl/ xenial InRelease
Could not resolve host: dl
Hit:5 xenial-security InRelease
Ign:6 stable InRelease
Hit:7 xenial InRelease
Ign:8 xenial/main i386 Packages
Ign:9 xenial/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:10 xenial/universe i386 Packages
Ign:11 xenial/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:8 xenial/main i386 Packages

Ign:9 xenial/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:10 xenial/universe i386 Packages
Ign:11 xenial/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:8 xenial/main i386 Packages
Ign:9 xenial/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:10 xenial/universe i386 Packages
Ign:11 xenial/multiverse i386 Packages
Err:8 xenial/main i386 Packages
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Ign:9 xenial/restricted i386 Packages

Ign:10 xenial/universe i386 Packages
Ign:11 xenial/multiverse i386 Packages
Get:12 stable Release [1189 B]
Ign:13 xenial-updates/main i386 Packages
Get:14 stable Release.gpg [819 B]
Ign:15 xenial-updates/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:16 xenial-updates/universe i386 Packages
Ign:17 xenial-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:13 xenial-updates/main i386 Packages
Ign:15 xenial-updates/restricted i386 Packages

Ign:16 xenial-updates/universe i386 Packages
Ign:17 xenial-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:13 xenial-updates/main i386 Packages
Ign:15 xenial-updates/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:16 xenial-updates/universe i386 Packages
Ign:17 xenial-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
Err:13 xenial-updates/main i386 Packages
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Ign:15 xenial-updates/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:18 xenial-security/main i386 Packages

Ign:19 xenial-security/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:20 xenial-security/universe i386 Packages
Ign:21 xenial-security/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:16 xenial-updates/universe i386 Packages
Ign:17 xenial-updates/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:18 xenial-security/main i386 Packages
Ign:19 xenial-security/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:20 xenial-security/universe i386 Packages
Ign:21 xenial-security/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:18 xenial-security/main i386 Packages

Ign:19 xenial-security/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:20 xenial-security/universe i386 Packages
Ign:21 xenial-security/multiverse i386 Packages
Err:18 xenial-security/main i386 Packages
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
Ign:19 xenial-security/restricted i386 Packages
Ign:20 xenial-security/universe i386 Packages
Ign:21 xenial-security/multiverse i386 Packages
Ign:14 stable Release.gpg
Hit:22 stable/main amd64 Packages

Ign:22 stable/main amd64 Packages
Hit:22 stable/main amd64 Packages
Fetched 2008 B in 2s (767 B/s)
Reading package lists... Done
N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'main/binary-arm64/Packages' as repository ' xenial InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'arm64'
W: GPG error: stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 1397BC53640DB551
W: The repository ' stable Release' is not signed.
N: Data from such a repository can't be authenticated and is therefore potentially dangerous to use.
N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.
W: Failed to fetch https://dl/ Could not resolve host: dl

E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found [IP: 80]
W: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.

This is really bugging me as I've been fighting with it for a few days now, and I just want to be able to use PlayOnLinux to launch AoEII. P.S. I know there's an easier way to paste a lot of code but I couldn't figure it out so i just put 4 spaces in front of every line. If someone could enlighten me, I'd be grateful.

11.10 - How do I reinstall grub2?

Having tried all day to reinstall grub and trawling the internet I have had no luck. I can no longer boot into ubuntu and have tried boot disk frin yannubuntu but the grub tabs are greyed out. Other methods will not install it on sda1. I have no other os to boot into but have a live usb. Please help

Deploy QML app to ubuntu phone

I'm trying to start a project using the Ubuntu SDK (Qt Creator). I have created a QML project, which has some "Hello world" code in it already. I've done no changes to the code, but just want to learn how to deploy it to my Ubuntu phone. I can run it on my desktop.

Qt Creator gives an error when trying to "run" the armhf debug version. "Could not find 'test2.desktop'", however, I can find that file. And it's located under "Other files" in my project.

see screenshot attachment

Failing that, I did try to scp the files over to the phone and run it both through ssh (anything like export DISPLAY=:0.0 on mir?) and through the local, on-phone, terminal app. Both gives the following error:

phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~/test2$ qmlscene Main.qml 
Loading module: ''
UbuntuClientIntegration: connection to Mir server failed. Check that a Mir server is
running, and the correct socket is being used and is accessible. The shell may have
rejected the incoming connection, so check its log file

Any clues, guides or tutorials would be greatly appreciated.

Offline downloads for VLC player

I have an Ubuntu 14.04 installation running without internet. I have a windows PC having access to Internet. How can I download VLC Player in a the windows PC and install in ubuntu?

Friday, December 23, 2016

64 bit - Ubuntu 14.04 system requirements

I have a Ubuntu 14.04 installed in partition on my laptop. The configuration is:

  • Pentium core 2 duo processor

  • 3GB RAM

  • Hard disk allocated for partition 15GB

It's an old dell inspiron 1525 laptop. I have 64 bit version installed but I feel I should have installed 32 bit one. Not sure how do I downgrade it.

Ubuntu 14.04 or Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit should run OK on your hardware, so there is no point in reinstalling a 32-bit operating system on your Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. For more information about system requirements see the accepted answer to How do I find out which version and derivative of Ubuntu is right for my hardware in terms of minimal system requirements?.

Is it possible that I have more than one Linux kernel installed?

I was reading this. It's about detecting installed kernels. KERNELS???!! Is it possible that I have more than a kernel?? How is that??!!!!! I followed the command in the instructions and this is my output:

username@hostname:~$ dpkg --list | grep linux-image
rc linux-image-3.11.0-12-generic 3.11.0-12.19 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.11.0-13-generic 3.11.0-13.20 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.11.0-14-generic 3.11.0-14.21 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.11.0-15-generic 3.11.0-15.25 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.11.0-17-generic 3.11.0-17.31 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic 3.11.0-18.32 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic 3.8.0-19.30 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.8.0-25-generic 3.8.0-25.37 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.8.0-26-generic 3.8.0-26.38 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.8.0-27-generic 3.8.0-27.40 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-3.8.0-30-generic 3.8.0-30.44 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-3.8.0-31-generic 3.8.0-31.46 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.11.0-12-generic 3.11.0-12.19 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.11.0-13-generic 3.11.0-13.20 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.11.0-14-generic 3.11.0-14.21 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.11.0-15-generic 3.11.0-15.25 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.11.0-17-generic 3.11.0-17.31 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.11.0-18-generic 3.11.0-18.32 i386 Linux kernel extra modules for version 3.11.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.8.0-19-generic 3.8.0-19.30 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.8.0-25-generic 3.8.0-25.37 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.8.0-26-generic 3.8.0-26.38 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.8.0-27-generic 3.8.0-27.40 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
rc linux-image-extra-3.8.0-30-generic 3.8.0-30.44 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-extra-3.8.0-31-generic 3.8.0-31.46 i386 Linux kernel image for version 3.8.0 on 32 bit x86 SMP
ii linux-image-generic i386 Generic Linux kernel image

Woah! Hold on a second!! So those things are kernels???!! And I had all that in my system and I didn't know??! I didn't install anything!! Or maybe it's the update manager that did this? ... ... ...If it's true then do I need all this?? If no then it should be taking up lots of space of my drive!! And then how do I clean up??

Please explain as much details as possible! It seems that there's a lot that I don't understand!

The kernel can be updated during a normal update. All the kernels remain on the hard disk and should be able to be booted from the grub menu presented at boot time. I keep the old kernels, there is no harm in doing so.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Xubuntu 16.04 LTS - lightdm stops

I am a Newbie, so pls apologize, when I do not enter all required information the first time. Pls comment, what is missing and I will bring the information ...
Thank you!

I wanted to have a remote control to a xubuntu 16.04 server. The Clients should run on Windows.
So, on the server a clean Xubuntu was installed and also VNCServer. I accidentally installed also gdm3, but I already could remove it, It was also not working. The connection from a Windows PC worked perfect for around 5-6 times. Then the Xubuntu server did strange things after reboot.

In general,as far as I can over see it
I have a lightdm problem on a Xubuntu 16.04 LTS with GNU/linux 4.4.0-47-generic x86_64. It does not show any logon screen.
Lightdm trys to start session and session and session (sometimes 14, sometimes 17), but every lightdm starting is stopped before the next lightdm session is started.

For me it seems like the Xserver does not want to communicate. This is what I've done in recovery Mode:
I have a SSD in the server,
In /etc/init/lightdm.conf before
EXEC lightdm
I entered

Sleep 10

In the lightdm log there is the following line, which brought me on the trace of Xserver:

Caught terminated signal, shutting down

So, I changed a bit in the system to start in terminal mode,
In the default grub file I changed


In the terminal I did
systemctl enable --force and systemctl set-default

Terminal mode works fine, but I can not start the Xubuntu-desktop.

When I enter sudo apt-get -f install it says, everything fine.

How can I check, if the Xserver is running fine?

Any other ideas?
Is there a dependency between the Client opening sessions and the sessions Xubuntu wants to start during start up? If yes, can I just stop or clean?

Many thx in advance!

Regards highway

Hello all,
I just want to mention, what I found out: The xserver-xorg pkg was not properly installed. I fixed that, but it is still not working.
I just realized thatsince I did an upgrade, I have two Kernels installed and found a Bug on them. I corrected that, link follows to the bug report.
My next guess is, that due to the bug all installed users lost their desktop-authority ... I do not know how this is called exactly.
What I want to do next is to compare the user-account on a fresh xubuntu installation, with the one not running.
I will update next time on Monday.

Regards Highway

I managed the following things to work properly:
When booting right into terminal, startx starts the Desktop.
When desktop is started, VNC-client sees a terminal.

When booting into Desktop mode, I get the known error of fchdsk
Startup problem in 16.04?
--> I have to check this at next, I just wanted to update my Question.

What I've done so far:
Reinstalling xubuntu-desktop
Reinstalling xserver-xorg and xserver-xorg-video-intel
Adding a new user account, the old is some how broken after the Update(s).

For the other problems, I open up a new Question ...


Pls close the question! THX!!

18.04 - apt upgrade does not see apt-offline packages

I'm trying to update my Ubuntu 18.04 computer that does not have internet connection. However the process is failing when I try to run sudo apt upgrade. I have checked a couple of other links like: sol1, sol2 and sol3.

I have set up apt-offline on my offline computer we can call OC1, and I have also set it up on my online computer we can call OC2. I set up a signature file on my OC1, I then bring the file over to OC2, and use the command sudo apt-offline get apt-offline.sig --bundle It downloads all the packages to that zip file and I then bring that file over to OC1.

Great at this point everything is normal and running as I expect it to. Now I install the package with this command: sudo ./apt-offline install /home/fletchy/Desktop/MyPC/ I select Yes (Y) when prompted to install and it installs the packages. However it just syncs them all. However I suppose that make sense because now I would just do a normal sudo apt upgrade and I'll update and I'll be good to go. However, when I run sudo apt upgrade it runs as if its looking at the internet to install these packages not my cache or directories.

I get errors like:

Err:## http://... Could not resolve ''

E: Failed to fetch http....deb Could not resolve ''

What I would expect to get is a successful install of the packages and update of the system. Perhaps I'm missing something small, I've used Linux for awhile now but never had to update packages offline until recently and I'm encountering this problem. I've attempted to reboot the system, and restart the entire update process from scratch.

Edit 1:

I just noticed that when I run apt-cache show I get the following response:
E: No packages found

I have found a solution, there may be a better one but this worked for me...

Part 1

Instead of doing: sudo apt upgrade by itself you have to use the tag --fix-missing and it will fail at first but then discover all the packages you set up using the normal method of apt-offline and it will update as expected.

Short story use this command: sudo apt upgrade --fix-missing

Part 2

Now if your trying to install packages/products/modules so things like net-tools for example... you do everything the same except...

Dont use: sudo apt upgrade --fix-missing, use: sudo apt-get install net-tools

gui - How do I disable X after boot?

I was reading "How do I disable X at boot time so that the system boots in text mode?" and will be implementing this. I see in the answer that there is a simple way to start the GUI but don't see how I would turn it back off after doing what I needed with out shutting down the computer. So how do I turn off X but keep the system running as normal and not shutting down?

dual boot - Cannot access windows partition from ubuntu

Upon clicking the windows partition in nautilus, i get this error thrown at me.

Error mounting /dev/sda4 at /media/zalgo/D8649C54649C36EA: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda4" "/media/zalgo/D8649C54649C36EA"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.Failed to mount '/dev/sda4': Operation not permitted The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume read-only with the 'ro' mount option.

I do not have fast boot or hibernation enabled on windows, if there are any commands that i should post the output of to help, please comment that.

This is not a duplicate of How can I access windows 10 partition in ubuntu when i cant get it to shut down in a "safe state"?, as the solution used there does not work here.

The solution I found that worked was a program called ntfsfix.

Install ntfs-3g with:

sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

Then run the ntfsfix command on your NTFS partition.

For example:

ntfsfix /dev/sda4

partitioning - Steps to partition hard disk while installing ubuntu 14.04

I'm using windows 8 in my lap and I wanna install ubuntu without deleting my windows. I had three drives in my hard disk out of which I managed to create a new empty drive of 50 GB using windows disk partition to install ubuntu on it. This new drive is formatted in NTFS format and is available to use in windows as other drives.

I floated across the question & answer in which there are two things.

1) Installing ubuntu on empty hard drive (which I do not need)

2) Installing ubuntu on windows installed hard disk (which I'm supposed to see)

In the second case, step 4 is 'freeing some space for ubuntu'. But I have already alloted a new drive of 50 GB in which I gotta install ubuntu.

But however, I do not see the free space as shown in this image and I'm forced to free some space.

So should I proceed to free some space as usual or do something else to install on that drive ?

You should proceed to delete your 50GB NTFS formatted drive (from the Ubuntu installation wizard) this will mark it as free space. After that you'll need to create a partition for your Ubuntu installation and a partition for the swap in this free space.

Note: Ubuntu cannot be installed on NTFS, you can use ext4 instead.

gparted - can I increase root and other disk's size without formatting it

enter image description herewant to shrink home ie sda5 and expand root ie sda3

Device        Start       End   Sectors   Size Type
/dev/sda1 2048 20469759 20467712 9.8G Linux swap
/dev/sda2 20469760 28469247 7999488 3.8G BIOS boot
/dev/sda3 28469248 48939007 20469760 9.8G Linux filesystem

/dev/sda4 48939008 49133567 194560 95M EFI System
/dev/sda5 49133568 976771071 927637504 442.3G Linux filesystem

New partition

Device Start End Sectors Size Type
/dev/sda1 2048 20469759 20467712 9.8G Linux swap
/dev/sda2 20469760 28469247 7999488 3.8G BIOS boot
/dev/sda3 28469248 79622143 51152896 24.4G Linux filesystem

/dev/sda4 79622144 80670719 1048576 512M EFI System
/dev/sda5 80670720 976773119 896102400 427.3G Linux filesystem

Yes, you can do this, but it's a little more complicated.

You MUST boot from some other medium (Live USB, Live CD, network boot from your local network, ...) and run gparted. /dev/sda? MUST NOT be mounted during this process. You should have reliable power, and not be running on battery.

"Free Space" (which you will create by shrinking /dev/sda5) can only be added to adjacent partitions, so you will have to move partitions around.

All of this is from within gparted:

Select /dev/sda5.

Menu->Partition->Move/Resize will bring up a window like thisexample of gparted resize/move

When you set the new partition size, be sure to have all of your free space in Free space preceeding.

This will create Free space between /dev/sda4 and /dev/sda5.

Select /dev/sda4 and Menu->Partition->Move/Resize.

Then, move /dev/sda4 to the other side of the "Free space" by clicking on the up-arrow in "Free space preceeding".

Finally, select /dev/sda3, Menu->Partition->Move/Resize and
adjust the "New size".

Examine the list of pending operations, double-checking for misexpressed intent. Fix as needed. When there's a match between what you want to do and what gparted is going to do, click the checkmark and stand back.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

14.04 - Apt-get update failing

Hello I am new to ubuntu. I am running 14.04 Trusy. I have tried to search around but the solutions I have found has not helped. I get some errors when running apt-get update:

Hit trusty Release        
Hit trusty/main Sources
Hit trusty/restricted Sources
Hit trusty/universe Sources
Hit trusty/multiverse Sources

Fetched 743 kB in 2s (368 kB/s)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'partner/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)
W: Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-aarch64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)

I therefore found that you should look in the sources.list file:

# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS _Trusty Tahr_ - Release amd64 (20160217.1)]/ trusty main restricted

# See for how to upgrade to
# newer versions of the distribution.
deb trusty main restricted
deb-src trusty main restricted

## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
## distribution.
deb trusty-updates main restricted
deb-src trusty-updates main restricted

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb trusty universe

deb-src trusty universe
deb trusty-updates universe
deb-src trusty-updates universe

## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
## security team.
deb trusty multiverse

deb-src trusty multiverse
deb trusty-updates multiverse
deb-src trusty-updates multiverse

## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
deb trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb-src trusty-backports main restricted universe multiverse

deb trusty-security main restricted
deb-src trusty-security main restricted
deb trusty-security universe
deb-src trusty-security universe
deb trusty-security multiverse
deb-src trusty-security multiverse

## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's

## 'partner' repository.
## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
# respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
deb trusty partner
deb-src trusty partner

## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by third-party
## developers who want to ship their latest software.
deb trusty main
deb-src trusty main

deb trusty main


I searched around on the name aarch64, which refers to arm. This I do not understand since my install should from this link, specifically AMD64. Can somebody help me with this issue?

Cannot open software sources after removing a PPA

After deleting a ppa entry in the sources.list file, I was not able to open the software sources application. Opening the software centre is fine. I tried running gksudo software-properties-gtk and got the follwong message:

 SoftwareProperties.__init__(self, options=options, datadir=datadir)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 96, in __init__
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/softwareproperties/", line 580, in reload_sourceslist
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/aptsources/", line 91, in get_sources
raise NoDistroTemplateException("Error: could not find a "
aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template

Would appreciate if you can let me know how to solve this problem.

11.10 - How to edit autostart applications?

How can I reach the UI to configure the autostart applications in Ubuntu 11.10? Please don't tell me, I have to do it using the terminal or creating a starter on my own and please don't tell me, it is gone!

Try using the Startup Applications application.
You can find it either by searching for it (both Unity and Gnome Shell allow you to quickly search for applications), or in the Other section of applications (this section you can access again from either Gnome Shell or Unity but also from the classic applications menu in Gnome 2.x)

Applications may be startup in other ways, such as commands in scripts and etc. It is probable that the application's startup you are trying to edit is not accessible from the application I suggested to you.

chromium - I need Flash Player 11.3.0 or higher

I need to take some online tests for school.
This website tells me I need Flash Player 11.3.0 or higher. As far as I can see that is not yet avaible for Linux.
I use Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Chromium. Is there a way I can work around it?

Greetz. Rob.

12.04 - How can I uninstall Nvidia proprietary drivers?

OK, so I know that other people asked exactly the same... but I just moved from Nouveau to Nvidia using this tutorial, and the new drivers are really, really, really slow. How can I remove Nvidia drivers and recover the open ones?

  1. If you added things to the blacklist, remove them now from the list with sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

  2. Now close your session and press Ctrl + Alt + F1 in the login menu.

  3. Login with your username and password.

  4. Run sudo stop lightdm, which will stop X11 (including the standard login menu!)

  5. Now exec sudo nvidia-uninstall

  6. Press Yes to restore from a backup.

  7. You may find errors related with non-empty folders. Ignore them.

  8. If you removed Nouveau, run sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau

  9. Now you can finish with sudo reboot

installation - Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57785 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe driver tg3 will not install?

aries@aries-laptop:~$ sudo ifconfig eth0 up
eth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device
aries@aries-laptop:~$ lspci -nn
00:00.0 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1705]
00:01.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:9641]
00:01.1 Audio device [0403]: ATI Technologies Inc Device [1002:1714]

00:04.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1709]
00:06.0 PCI bridge [0604]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:170b]
00:11.0 SATA controller [0106]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7800] (rev 40)
00:12.0 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7807] (rev 11)
00:12.2 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7808] (rev 11)
00:13.0 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7807] (rev 11)
00:13.2 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7808] (rev 11)
00:14.0 SMBus [0c05]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:780b] (rev 13)
00:14.2 Audio device [0403]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:780d] (rev 01)
00:14.3 ISA bridge [0601]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:780e] (rev 11)

00:14.4 PCI bridge [0604]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:780f] (rev 40)
00:16.0 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7807] (rev 11)
00:16.2 USB Controller [0c03]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:7808] (rev 11)
00:18.0 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1700] (rev 43)
00:18.1 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1701]
00:18.2 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1702]
00:18.3 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1703]
00:18.4 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1704]
00:18.5 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1718]
00:18.6 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1716]

00:18.7 Host bridge [0600]: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] Device [1022:1719]
01:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM57785 Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:16b5] (rev 10)
01:00.1 SD Host controller [0805]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:16bc] (rev 10)
01:00.2 System peripheral [0880]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:16be] (rev 10)
01:00.3 System peripheral [0880]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:16bf] (rev 10)
02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation Device [14e4:4358]

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Suspend problems Dell XPS 15 - Ubuntu 13.04

I have a Dell XPS 15 laptop with an external display through the mini-displayport, and I am completely unable to get the suspend functionality working correctly with Ubuntu 13.04 Raring Ringtail.

With any of the 3.8 kernels, suspending the computer seems to work correctly for about a half second, and then the fan starts up to full blast, and the activity light stays on (instead of the slow blink that indicates sleep mode).

With 3.9, I can initiate suspend correctly, but the laptop only displays a blank screen upon resume.

The 3.10 kernel suspends and resumes correctly except for the mini-displayport crashing. My external monitor goes into power saving mode after the computer wakes up from suspend and stays that way until I restart the computer, even after restarting lightdm.

3.11 encounters other errors when resuming.

This is getting extremely frustrating. Any help or insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!

installation - Upgrade error due to another package management application running

Possible Duplicate:
Unable to use package manager due to “exclusive lock” error

I use Ubuntu 11.10 on my desktop PC. My update manager shows me the upgrade link to 12.04 LTS but when I click on it, and follow the instructions, my installation halts at the small 'Distribution Upgrade' window that shows the steps that the installation takes to install the new package (e.g 'preparing to upgrade' and 'setting new software channels' etc). Not even a second after the 'distribution upgrade' window appears, a error message saying 'Unable to get exclusive lock' appears with the message:

This usually means that another package management application (like apt-get or aptitude) already running. Please close that application first.

I then clicked cancel and went back to the update manager to try again. There I unchecked all the updates and then clicked on the 'upgrade' to 12.04 button and the same thing happens again. I tried with different user accounts but still no change.

This is not the first time I used to install Ubuntu via update manager. I first installed Ubuntu 10.10 from the live CD and then when Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 came out I installed them via update manager with no problem.

Please help me solve this.

firefox - Is there a workaround to view Adobe Access (DRM) flash videos on any browser?

Ubuntu 13.04
Google Chrome 31.0.1650.57 (Official Build 235101)
OS Linux
JavaScript V8
Flash 11.9.900.152

When I try to watch xfinitytv shows via streaming (specifically homeland - showtime) I get stuck at the 0:00 and it says buffering...

Some problems:

  • These streaming services now require flash versions 11.8 or higher.

  • Adobe flash in browsers other than Chrome (ex. firefox) are only supported up to version 11.2. So this won't work.

  • Google chromes uses Pepper flash which is supported up to 11.9!, but "Viewing Adobe Access (DRM) content is not supported, since Adobe does not support it on Linux." (docs)

So it looks like I am screwed. I need version 11.8 or higher which means firefox is out the door since adobe only supports it up to 11.2. Chrome's pepper flash is currently at version 11.9, but since it is a Adobe Access (DRM content) it is unsupported for linux users.

Any ideas? I have hit a wall. VM (WINE) the only option? Can I somehow get pepper flash into firefox?

14.04 - How to install Ubuntu on External USB pen-drive

I want to install Ubuntu 14.04 on my USB Stick from which I can boot my computer and do some light c++, Java,Python programming. I don't need much space for storage. I have a Kingston 16 GB pen-drive. I used this as startup disk creator once but it was extremely slow. I also want to use this USB as live CD to install Ubuntu on any computer.

How Can I install Ubuntu 14.04 on my external USB Pen-Drive?

Even if you do decide to follow these instructions, I suggest you read the LiveUsbPendrivePersistent wiki page. Reading Wiki pages is a great way to learn and you'll know more about what you're doing - rather than just following steps blindly.

Normally, I'd suggest that you use the Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu to do this - it has a really simple option:

enter image description here

that allows you to add MB of space to keep stored in reserved extra space. However, there is sometimes a bug with installing the bootloader:

enter image description here

at least for me. You also mentioned that you'd had issues with Startup Disk Creator created USB drives being so.

So, I'd suggest you use Unetbootin. It's not quite as polished, but it does the exact same job and has the exact same store in reserve functionality. It's what I use when creating LiveUSBs and has yet to fail me.

It's in the default repositories, so you can install it via sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unetbootin.

Once it's installed, open up the dash (Super key - aka Windows key) and open up unetbootin - you'll have to search for it. It'll require the sudo password, just a heads up. You'd need sudo access just to install the app, so that's no problem.

enter image description here

Once unetbootin starts, you'll want to change the radio button from selecting Distribution (default choice) to selecting Diskimage and then click the ... button. You can then select the ISO and it will show up in the text box.

Once you've selected the ISO you want, make sure the type is set to USB drive and that it's targeting the correct USB drive. If you've got USB backup media or other USB sticks attached to your computer, you may want to consider disconnecting them for a bit - just to be safe and sure you don't accidentally overwrite some important data.

Now, to add the persistence of data, simply change the Space used to preserve files across reboots (Ubuntu only) value. This should create a file-system on the USB stick, along with the ISO contents, that will store your information across reboots!

enter image description here

Note, that if you use Unetbootin to create the LiveUSB, you'll have to specify the space in MB (MegaBytes) not GB (Gigabytes). A simple way to convert this is just punch into a calculator numberOfGigabytes * 1024. That will provide you with the correct amount of space in MB terms (as there are 1024 MB in a GB.)

upgrade - Is gaming on ubuntu possible (choice of games)

So im updating my old pc preferable for gaming.
Are the games (mainly first person shooters) on the market able to be played on Ubuntu?

Motion Computing LE1600 touchscreen functions unavailable in 14.04

I recently obtained a Motion Computing LE1600 that I replaced Windows XP with Ubuntu 14.04 on today, and I can not seem to get the touchscreen functions to work properly. Is there anything that can be done to rectify this issue?

installation - Ubuntu installer not seeing free space on hard disk (dual boot)

I'm trying to install Ubuntu (12.10) on a laptop on a 240 GB Intel SSD drive already containing a Windows 7 installation. I have the disk partitioned as follows:

  1. 1500 MB, NTFS, system partition, something that the laptop came with

  2. 198 GB, NTFS, Windows installation partition

These partitions are followed by 23 GB of free space.

The Ubuntu installer, however, is not seeing the free space. Instead what I get in the Installation type dialog, is the following:
Partitions aren't shown exactly as they are

I've already tried creating an unformatted primary partition in the free space (using Windows, obviously) but doing that didn't change the situation in any way.

Should I alter the partitions in some way in order to make the free space accessible to the Ubuntu installer or am I missing something else here?

Where did my Nvidia optimus card go?

I have an Asus UX32VD that has a Nvidia 620M card along with the integrated Intel graphics. I had Ubuntu 13.04 and I could use the Nvidia card with bumblebee for some time, then I it stopped working after a kernel or drivers update(don't remember) and I was busy and lazy to fix it and I didn't really missed using the card.

Then I found there is a partial support from Nvidia for the Optimus technology but it required newer packages versions, I also checked the nvidia-prime package in saucy-salamander made the setup completely painless so I said, What the.. lets upgrade to 13.10 to test the new feature.

I purged bumblebee and everything related to Nvidia and once I had my saucy install working I reinstalled the Nvidia drivers followed by the nvidia-prime package. Now I restart and ... surprise!(actually not a surprise,something like this always happens) no UI, a low graphics mode message and there I am.

Of course I didn't check before the installation with lspci if I had an optimus capable PC because I HAVE AN OPTIMUS CAPABLE PC but doing lspci or checking in dmeseg output I don't see any trace of the nvidia word, my card just disapeared.

Now I don't know how to fix it or what could be the cause. I can only think of two options, a fairy opened my pc and stole the Nvidia chipset while I was sleeping or in the bumblebee time my card got disabled(bbswitch?) and now the system doesn't detect it.

11.10 - Can't boot from USB after installing Ubuntu

I bought a Samsung series 5 notebook and a very strange thing happened: I installed Ubuntu 11.10 from a usb pen drive but when I restarted (...