Saturday, July 29, 2017

apt - Terminal cannot install anything

I hav been using Ubuntu for quite sum time. yesterday i accidentally deleted the ubuntu partition (from windows) and again installed it.
im having the following problems
I tried 2 install Google chrome using deb file(through PPA)
It had dependency errors so i ran

sudo apt-get install -f

it deletd chrome. i again ran

sudo dpkg -i .deb

it again had dependency problems.
i again ran

sudo apt-get install -f

it again deleted chrome

I also cannot install gksu or anything. when i try to install respiratory using

deb vivid main universe

it says command 'deb' is not recognised.

It was not like this before. only after i installed Ubuntu this time, these things are happening. What 2 do? Should i delete and install Ubuntu again???

Install the missing dependencies first, otherwise dpkg and apt-get will get into a race condition in which the first will install a package without the needed dependencies and the second will remove it in order to fix the broken dependencies problem:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libappindicator1 libcurl3

Then install Google Chrome:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_xxxxx.deb

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