Thursday, October 31, 2019

icons - How do you get a *.desktop file to work for a non-repository app?

I turned the Amazon cloud reader site into a desktop app with nativefier. It works amazingly well as a standalone reader for books that have been downloaded and also automatically downloads books in the cloud when requested.

Instead of launching /home/myname/kindle-web-linux-x64/kindle-web from the console all the time, I tried to make a Kindle-Web desktop file to place in the launcher. My file won't work in two ways:

  1. It won't launch Kindle-Web.

  2. It does not display the Kindle icon on the file when viewed in Nautilus.

The code is below. Can anyone tell me where I went wrong. The icon files are in /home/myname/.local/share/icons/hicolor/, and /home/myname/.icons/hicolor/*.

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Desktop app created from Kindle Cloud Reader page ( by nativefier
# StartupNotify=true
# StartupWMClass=kindle-web
# Terminal=false

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