Wednesday, October 16, 2019

14.04: No Auto login at User Account settings - I am administrator

This is what my picture would look like if I was allowed to post pictures...

Account Type Administrator

Language English (New Zealand)

Login Options [blank]

Password ****

Last Login Logged in

My Account is the only account - the administrator account - and the blank space is there whether the dialog box is locked or unlocked, as is the complete absence of the Auto Login option at the bottom.

I have 14.04 installed. I have 3 drives, so researching through the other login questions suggests that my drive might be encrypted. If it is, I need simple to follow steps to fix this so Ubuntu will auto login.

All I want is for Ubuntu to auto login on startup. None of the other questions in the forums has been helpful.

This question seems to ask the same question as this: Ubuntu 14.10 Auto Login

I'm wondering now if this is a serious flaw in 14 that can't be fixed, or changed.
This seems to provide the answer for 12.04 - would it likely be the same for 14?
How can I enable autologin for my user account when the option is not there?

Output for:


sda disk

└─sda1 part E8325C83325C58A0
sdb disk
├─sdb1 part 7e9949df-0e95-45f1-919d-23b449f415fd /
├─sdb2 part
├─sdb3 part CA66EB5F66EB4AB1 /mnt/CA66EB5F66EB4AB1
├─sdb4 part
└─sdb5 part 4868A0F868A0E5C2

$ cat /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt


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