Monday, June 26, 2017

I am struggling to get back into Windows. (Dual boot)

I had a rough night of trying to figure this out.

I was trying to switch back to Windows, but upon switching back I was prompted with bitlocker. It was accompanied with "Secure Boot Policy has unexpectedly changed." I messed with my BIOS settings until I could get it to work. I then arrived at a "Dell SupportAssist Recovery" screen for a while.

Eventually, switching from ACHI to RAID ON did it. I successfully was able to get back to Windows.

However, Grub now did not show up nor did Ubuntu show up in the boot menu. In an attempt to fix this, I did "bcdedit /set {bootmgr} path \EFI\ubuntu\grubx64.efi" in CMD. After doing this and rebooting my computer, I returned to the "Dell SupportAssist Recovery" screen.

After some more tinkering in the BIOS, adding shimx64.efi to the boot fixed it. My grub showed up and I can now get back into Ubuntu.

I just ran boot-repair on Ubuntu to see if that would fix Windows Boot, but it didn't. "Repair Windows boot files" is greyed out.

I am now terrified to mess with anymore settings in the BIOS so now I just wan't some advice. How can I get back into windows?

Edit: Boot-repair output as requested

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