Monday, June 19, 2017

Command for clicking GUI application?

In Dash, I can search an application e.g. mplayer, and click to run it.

In terminal, when I run the application e.g. mplayer, it is usually not the same as how I run it from Dash (no menu and progress bar in mplayer)

How can I find out what command and options clicking mplayer icon invokes? Thanks.

Drag the icon from the Dash into a Terminal. You'll get something like


Now search for a file named mplayer.desktop in $HOME/.local/share/applications/ and /usr/share/applications. In that file search for a line starting with Exec=. After the = there's the command to run, maybe with something like %f or %U instead of the file name.

Or install Arronax, open it and drag the icon into the window. The command will be in the Command field.

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