Friday, June 23, 2017

dual boot - Installing Ubuntu on a separate hard drive from Windows

I want to install Ubuntu and learn Linux. I've been using Raspbian a bit and really would like to get away from Windows as much as possible. The only problem is some of the games I use requires Windows for now. Also, I'm taking classes through Coursera and using online tutorials to learn Linux from and would like an operating system installed besides the Raspbian I have on my Pi.

I have a desktop computer with Windows 10 installed on a SSD (M.2 if it matters) and another HDD used to store files. I have a new 1 TB HDD I'd like to install Ubuntu on. My plan is to install it and place the GRUB bootloader on the new drive. I can then point the UEFI to that drive as the primary boot drive and GRUB should allow me to choose Linux or Windows. My thought is if I do this, I can change the boot order in UEFI back to C:\ drive and have the machine boot directly to Windows as it does now. Then I have the option of having a dual boot system or a Windows only system. Is this viable? Should I use the whole drive for Linux?

Also, I'm reading a couple different opinions on disabling Secure Boot and Fast Boot from the UEFI. Any reason not to disable these in my plan above?

Any other advice is welcome. I appreciate the help!

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