Sunday, June 25, 2017

12.04 - nvidia-settings error: nvidia driver not in use

I have an Asus with GEFORCE GT520M CUDA (Optimus) and I am running Kubuntu 12.04, 64bit. I am trying to connect an external monitor through DVI and the monitor is not detected. Nvidia settings dont show properly and each time I fire them up there is a warning message: "You do not appear to be using the NVidia X driver. Please, edit...." (you probably know it and heard of this before).

I have googled a lot and I have tried some things out but no luck so far. Is there a solution which has worked for someone out there? If so, please be very specific about what I need to do since I am really not good at using the terminal and generally new to ubuntu. I can use the terminal only to copy-paste things. :)

Thanks in advance to everyone!

ps. Seems like some people dealt with this by fixing the Nvidia settings problem but the instructions have never been clear enough for me to be able to understand.

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