Saturday, January 5, 2019

software installation - "Installing" programs

This is problem I encounter many times. Sometimes when I download programs, they are in zip/tar.gz or any other extension. I simply extract them and click on bin. Everything is working fine, but I want a program to be visible in unity search, be able to run it from terminal as "programname" and everything else I can do with programs installed from repository.

I don't want to edit bashrc, I believe it has to do something with links.

How to achieve that?

Usually there is a special "Ubuntu" version of Linux programs
(.deb files or PPA repositories)

Which can be installed. Otherwise do this:

For just yourself:
put the program dir anywhere and create a launcher in ~/.local/share/applications/
which adds it to unity.

For others, you can do this for all users:
As root copy the folder to /opt (terminal: sudo nautilus /opt/ and then Drag-Drop)
And create a Launcher in /usr/share/applications by copying a existing one and changing it.

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