Wednesday, January 30, 2019

low-graphics mode after update to 13.10 and reinstallation of nvidia drivers

I recently updated to 13.10 and it broke all my opencv stuff (impossible to compile or run previous programs that were ok on 13.04).

Cuda wasn't installed anymore, nor were the nvidia drivers.

So I tried to install them again (did it in 13.04). I tried all the suggestions here: Has anyone successfully installed CUDA 5.5 on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit?
That is, trying to install from:

sudo ./

It didn't work but I could recover from the low graphics mode issue. After enabling the proper repository I tried:

sudo apt-get install nvidia-331

It didn't work either. Finally

sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates-dev

This got me totally stuck; I now can't get out of low-graphic mode.

I've checked and tried:

NVIDIA driver problem after updating to 12.04

How can I get out of low graphics mode on 12.04?

What else can I try?

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