Tuesday, November 7, 2017

installation - Boot problem after installing Ubuntu 12.04.3 alongside Windows 8 - only get to grub prompt

I tried to install ubuntu 12.4.03 (64bit) alongside the pre-installed windows 8 (64bit) from a live DVD.
The hard drive is HP 110-13 EG desktop computer with intel Core i3-324oT and NVIDIA GeForce 705A graphic card.
Before installing I already made space for a ubuntu partition, then proceeded with the following strategy

1) turned off fast boot and disabled security boot.
I think I enabled legacy boot (which might have been a mistake I realized now).

2) run the live cd, first with the try ubuntu without installation option and then clicked on install ubuntu.
3) i choose the first option install alongside windows and had updates during the installation activated. The installation was successful and then I was asked to restart. The live disk was ejected and I pressed enter.

4) ubuntu generic didn't boot, I was left with a purple screen.
5) choosing windows to boot resulted in an error

6) I inserted the live disc and tried boot from it. I remember entering a system setting menu (last option in the grub menu, where I could also choose among ubuntu, ubuntu recovery, windows, ..) then I booted from SATA and got back to try ubuntu.

7) I tried to install ubuntu again. Got the message that there is windows 8 and ubuntu on my computer and chose the first option erase and reinstall ubuntu. Resulted to be my second big mistake.

8) after the installation and the restart I didn't reach the grub menu, where I could choose from which OS to boot but only a grub prompt and the message `Minimal bash-like line editing is supported...'

9) typing ls resulted in: (hd0) (hd0,gpt8) (hd0,gpt7) (hd0,gpt6) (hd0,gpt5) (hd0,gpt4) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1) (hd1)

10) ls (hd0,gpt2) results in: system efi

11) ls (hd0,gpt8) results in: ./ ../ lost+found/ etc/ media/ bin/ boot/ dev/ home/ lib/ lib64/ mnt/ opt/ proc/ root/ run/ sbin/ selinux/ srv/ sys/ tmp/ usr/ var/ initrd.img vmlinuz cdrom/ (so I understand that this is my ubuntu partition)

12) according to boot-repair sda4 is the partiton with windows and sda5 the one with windows recovery

13) if I type boot it results in: no loaded kernel.

I do not know how to boot any OS because I am new to Linux.

14) if i insert the live disc and type `exit' after grub> then I get the options: 1) try ubuntu 2) install ubuntu 3) check disc for errors.
Checking for errors results in: no errors found, press any key to reboot. then the same problem as in step 8.

15) thus I can only boot ubuntu from the live disc (option 1. from step 14)

16) If I run ubuntu from the disc and open the terminal and try to repair-boot, then I get the message: EFI detected. Please check the options.

The link that repair boot generated for me is this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6757167

I am new to Linux and appreciate any help since I don't know how to solve the problem! Sorry if this question has been asked before, I tried to find a solution but didn't succeed.

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