Tuesday, November 28, 2017

dual boot - How do I uninstall Ubuntu 14.04.1 from a Vista machine?

I recently installed Ubuntu on my Vista machine. I would really love to have my machine back to just Windows.

I tried using the Recovery cd (well, okay, it wasn't the cd it was the Recovery Image on the hard drive, but isn't that the same thing?) as per the instructions here How to remove Ubuntu and put Windows back on? to fix the MBR but it didn't work. My machine just booted back into the GRUB boot options.

I tried deleting and formatting the partition that Ubuntu had installed itself on but all that did was completely mess up the boot record to where I couldn't boot the machine.

I tried booting from the Ubuntu cd and using the uninstall option but there wasn't one. It just wanted to reinstall itself.

I tried booting from the Ubuntu cd and using the Try Ubuntu option and typing the Sudo add-apt commands that can also be found on the above link. This didn't work, either, for two reasons: 1) I didn't realise Boot-Repair was a third-party program (D'oh!), and 2) when it got to the Ubuntu desktop my mouse wouldn't respond. (I tried two different ones.)

I ended up just reinstalling Ubuntu just so that I could post on here asking for help. Surely, there is ONE STRAIGHTFORWARD way to uninstall Ubuntu and repair the boot record so I (and others) can have their machine back to just Windows and have it booting straight into Windows.

I have used Ubuntu in the past (admittedly installing with the Wubi) and I don't claim to be an expert (obviously, or I wouldn't be posting asking for help) but it seems to me that Ubuntu is becoming more of a pain to uninstall.

Can someone please help?? I just want one simple straightforward way to uninstall and repair my boot record so I can get my machine back to just Windows. Thanks!!

Can someone please help me? The person answering my question is making no sense to me whatsoever. Can I get some help please?

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