Friday, November 22, 2019

printing - HPLIP can not detect printer after upgrade to Ubuntu 19.04

After upgrading my os to kubuntu 19.04, hplip is not able to detect my hp printer (hp lasterjet 1020) anymore, although lsusb is able to show that the printer is connected via usb:

$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 008: ID 03f0:2b17 HP, Inc LaserJet 1020

HP-Setup does not find the device:

$ sudo hp-setup
Searching... (bus=usb, search=(None), desc=0)
error: No devices found on bus: usb

Before doing the upgrade, printing was working fine. The printer is connected via usb to my notebook.

So far, I tried the answer of How to install latest HPLIP on my Ubuntu to support my HP printer and/or scanner? and purged all related packages and redid installation. However, HPLIP is still not able to detect the printer. I checked further on several pages, including which says that Ubuntu 19.04 is supported.

Maybe, somebody has a hint.

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