Monday, November 25, 2019

lightdm - Ubuntu 13.04 - can't login to Unity, keep going back to login screen with all users

today I've updated openssl and libssl (automatic update). After reboot I can't login with any user (even with Guest or new one) into X.
I've tried with installing gdm, gnome-session-fallback - no luck.

On login screen (no matter if it's lightdm or gdm) I type password, it tries to login, then screen goes black and returns to login screen.

I've found somewhere solution with Xauthority and xsession-errors, but in .xsession-errors I don't have anything but two lines:

Script for cjkv started at run_im.
Script for default starter at run_im.

I'm using Linux for about 10 years, but I can't find anything in /var/log that can point me to solution. Reinstalling Ubuntu IS NOT A SOLUTION for me.

Someone can help me?

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