Tuesday, November 26, 2019

How to hide Pidgin Buddy list on startup?

I'm running Ubuntu 12.10. Pidgin starts automatically on startup, but I want the buddy list window to starts minimized.

I tried this: http://www.cebuntu.com/apps/how-to-start-pidgin-and-minimized-on-startup-in-ubuntu/

And this shell script: http://planet.jboss.org/post/how_to_start_pidgin_minimized_or_always_start_pidgin_with_its_buddy_list_invisible

but none of them work. I mean they work, the buddy list is minimized on startup, but after that, I can't open it, looks like it is forced to be minimized.

Is there any working solution?

I found the solution:

First, install devilspie

sudo apt-get install devilspie

Make a new file called pidgin.ds in /home/username/.devilspie:

(is (window_name) "Buddy List")

(begin (minimize) )

Add devilspie to launchpad. Done!

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