Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Redshift and flux f.lux both installed but no visible effect from either

I run a dual boot of Ubuntu and Windows.

Windows running f.lux has a noticeable effect.

I have redshift and flux installed on Ubuntu but neither has an visible effect.

I'm looking for help in debugging this or any alternative software to make the light less harsh on the eyes.

Installation of flux from ppa see here: f.lux setup.py on xubuntu 16.04 results in error

While I believe I installed redshift from the software installer app.

Typing in redshift into terminal results in this.

Trying location provider `geoclue'...
Started Geoclue provider `Geoclue Master'.
Using provider `geoclue'.

According to the geoclue provider we're at: 43.64, -79.39
Gamma ramp size too small: 0
Failed to start adjustment method randr.
Trying next method...
Using method `vidmode'.

And it just seems to stall from there.

The details of package for redshift installed from the Ubuntu Software Centre says this package provides gtk+ integration.

xrandr output:

xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default
Screen 0: minimum 1920 x 1080, current 1920 x 1080, maximum 1920 x 1080
default connected 1920x1080+0+0 0mm x 0mm
1920x1080 77.0*

redshift -v results in the same thing as redshift but followed by

Status: Enabled
Period: Night
Color temperature: 6500K
Brightness: 1.00
Period: Night
Color temperature: 6471K
Brightness: 1.00

Then the same combo of 3 statements, with color temperature decreasing until it reaches 3700k, and it just repeats the fact it's at 3700k

Period: Night
Color temperature: 3700K
Brightness: 1.00

No redshifting visible effect as far as I can tell, still.

Results of lspci | grep VGA

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[AMD/ATI] Cape Verde PRO [Radeon HD 7750/8740 / R7 250E]

I think I should I have the correct (proprietary) drivers installed.My video drivers settings?

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