Friday, August 19, 2016

14.10 - Can't login on the GUI!

I am unable to login to Ubuntu in the GUI interface using my username. It keeps returning to the login page once I enter the password. I can however login as a guest.

I had just manually installed Ubuntu 14.10 with a 500mb partition for /boot, a 2gb partition for swap, a 30gb partition for /, 50mb for EFI as a logical partition, 100gb for /home and 3 other logical partitions of 100 GB each which were given /d, /e and /f mount points respectively. If otherwise unspecified, all partitions were primary.

Device for installing Ubuntu was the entire hard disk.

I had to specify that at boot up that the EFI was to be turned off.

I could login normally after that. I then turned on the options for automatically mount for each of the 100gb hard disk partitions. I restarted my laptop after that and now I am unable to login.

Please help!

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