Wednesday, November 16, 2016

drivers - safe way to install AMD Catalyst Control Centre?

Relatively noob here. I'm having a blast with Ubuntu, successfully playing all kinds of steam games, no complaints until Firewatch came out.
It was recommended to me to install AMD Catalyst Control Centre.
I tried doing this several ways
(followed these guidelines:
What is the correct way to install proprietary ATI Catalyst Video Drivers (fglrx) directly from AMD?

and also once:

Unfortunately, after I install the fglrx driver, and reboot, I only get a black screen, and cannot revert my installation (as I don't see anything), and I already reinstalled 14.04 twice.
As you can see, I'm obviously not an expert, but I would like to be able to try out something, without messing up everything, preventing a necessary reinstall of everything.
Is there a safe 'sandbox' mode to try things, or how can i reboot to a non-graphical interface (command line only) and revert wrong installations?
Alternatively, any tips on how to safely install AMD Catalyst Control Centre?

Thanks so much!!

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
Memory 11.7 GiB
Intel Core 17-2670QM CPU@ 2.20GHz x8
Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 6850M
OS: 64-bit
DisK 120 GB

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