Wednesday, November 16, 2016

installation - Can't install Ubuntu on AMD Athlon XP 2100 with MSI graphics card

I have tried installing Ubuntu several times and it always ends in abject failure. Persistent idiot that I am, I'm trying again.

This is Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and it starts with the image on the monitor dancing about and finishes with it looking like an elderly television set with part of the picture from one side appearing at the other and the happy dancing lines. It complements this funky image with the legend "Installation Failed".

Is it time for me to give up and just use Windows or is there something simple I could do to make it better. Please don't offer suggestions like "go to this kernel or that", because I've never got that far and kernels are just things other people have.

Apart from that I'd be very grateful for any help or advice.

Edit to expand

I have now tried using an alternative and got to this,

"Failed to install the base system
The base system installation into /target / failed.
Check /var / log / syslog or see virtual console 4 for the details.

How would I do that?

I should just give that nice man Gates my money shouldn't I? This Linux thing is a big practical joke isn't it like a Rick Roll only more frustrating?

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