Friday, November 18, 2016

How to search for specific lines in Linux?

I recently received an error telling me that there was a problem on line 52. I am trying to learn what the best method is for finding lines instead of actually counting them.

In Windows, I often used Notepad++ which displayed the lines directly to the left, so users could easily scroll to the specific line they were looking for -- However I do not see this option in Linux.

Maybe a certain application is needed?

UPDATE: I currently can not open software-store and the only text editor I have is the default nano and gedit. So please restrict your answers to solutions that don't involve me installing software.

**NOTE: ** I am not looking to find a 'String' of some sort. I am looking to quickly find the line NUMBER that the string appears on.

If you're looking for a GUI approach, you can display line numbers in the default text editor, gedit. To do this, go to Edit -> Preferences and tick the box that says "Display line numbers."

You can also jump to a specific line number by using Ctrl+I.

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