Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"do release upgrade" parameters

What is the exact meaning of adding the -d option at the end of do-release-upgrade command? The Ubuntu documentation defines it as:

to upgrade to a development version of Ubuntu.

Once 16.04.01 is released, is there any difference in sudo do-release-upgrade -d and sudo do-release-upgrade?

I started my upgrade process from 14.04.05LTS to 16.04.01LTS using:

sudo do-release-upgrade -d

After starting this, I read that:

Upgrading to a development release is not recommended

Because of this I closed the terminal process doing upgrade. Now when I run sudo do-release-upgrade -d, I am able to resume the upgrade. But if I run sudo do-release-upgrade I am getting the message:

no new release found

How should I resume the upgrade process correctly?

Using sudo do-release-upgrade -d will upgrade you to the latest development version as you've read. Currently that is 16.10, named Yakkety Yak, which is being developed at the moment for release in October this year.

The best course of action is to check whether your /etc/apt/sources.list file has been modified by the do-release-upgrade command.

Check whether there are any references to Trusty in the file with:

grep -i trusty /etc/apt/sources.list

If you get lines of output from this command, you are safe to run the following two apt-get commands to ensure that your packages for trusty are as up to date as possible:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Otherwise you will need to reset your sources.list file to its original form.

Now, check that your update manager is trying to go to the right release with:

grep -i prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades

You should see a line saying Prompt=lts. If that is there, then sudo do-release-upgrade should work.

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