Wednesday, October 11, 2017

data recovery - Windows partition UNKNOWN after Ubuntu installation attempt at dual boot - How to fix?

The idea was to install Win 7 and Ubuntu with dual boot.

However, after installation, Gparted shows a /dev/sda1 as an 'unknown' filesystem and its size is 278 GB. All my windows files, data are in this partition.

THen, there's /dev/sda2 with 'EXT4' filesystem (size-9.54 GB) - created during Ubuntu install.

Then, there's /dev/sda3 with 'extended' filesystem (size- 10.5 GB) - created during Ubuntu install.

Then, there's /dev/sda5 with 'linux swap' filesystem (size- 2 GB) - created during Ubuntu install.

Then, there's /dev/sda6 with 'ext4' filesystem (size- 8.5 GB) - created during Ubuntu install.

MY questions are:

  1. What exactly does this Gparted output above mean?

  2. How to recover my previous Windows 7 installation that's in /dev/sda1 (NTFS). I have some important files I need.

    • Also, I had a PGP encryption on the disk before installing Ubuntu. Now, it just boots straight into Ubuntu... why?

  3. How to uninstall Ubuntu (the Try ubuntu and uninstall did not work. the boot-repair did not work)

I have read other topics but noone has provided a proper step by step answer to how to recover my 278GB WIndows partition.

The testdisk step by step procedure did not work. It says the NTFS disk is unrecognized.

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