Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Broke my sudoers password, how do I reset it without using sudo?

I thought it would be a good idea to finally take the password off my little netbook since it has never actually been of any use, and has mostly just slowed down . But when I went to change my password, there wasn't even an option to make it blank, and any attempt to make it a few easy characters was met with "Password too weak".

So I did what any good geek would do and popped open the terminal, read the manual entry for passwd and quickly used the -d option to remove the password from my account. It all went well for a couple days (I even managed to also make my keychain password blank) until I tried to update the thing.

My sudoers password is not blank, and it's not my old password. I have no idea what it is. How do I reset it (or even better, make it blank) without the use of the sudo command?

Go to terminal type who am i then type passwd and enter the password you want.
You will be able to use that password to change your password on user accounts.

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