Sunday, March 20, 2016

upgrade - What determines PPA updates after new Ubuntu releases?

Before upgrading to Saucy, I had several PPAs installed. As usual, the upgrade process disabled the PPAs. Afterwards, I re-enabled the PPAs in Software Sources (making sure that the release was set to saucy) and ran an update. Some of the PPAs worked, but others gave 404 errors:

W: Failed to fetch 404  Not Found
W: Failed to fetch 404 Not Found

Evidently, this common issue occurs because these PPAs haven't been updated to provide packages for Saucy (when I browse to the PPA URLs, only releases through Raring are listed).

"How can I fix a 404 Error when using a PPA or updating my package lists?" suggests removing the PPAs to fix the errors. However, I don't want to remove these PPAs because I believe they are still maintained. For instance, had a new upload a few weeks ago. I assume that if I just wait, these PPAs will eventually get updated to support Saucy.

What determines when this happens after a new release of Ubuntu? Does it only happen once the maintainer uploads a new version on Launchpad? How long will I have to wait?

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