Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Problem with NVIDIA drivers and encrypted partition (dual boot)

I'm trying to install Nvidia drivers on Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 but I have problems when I boot up.

My machine has 2 SSDs:

  • First one with Windows 10

  • Second one with Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 (on which I boot)

I installed an encrypted Ubuntu with LVM on the SSD.
When I booted everything went fine but after going to "additional drivers", and restarting, I get a black screen.

I tried typing my password to decrypt my partition but nothing happens.

Things I tried:

  • CTRL + ALT + F1 (tried to put "nomodeset" into /etc/defaults/grub") but I can't get the prompt.

  • I also tried to press "E" when the grub screen appears and to put "nomodeset" after "quiet splash"

  • I tried a regular Ubuntu 16.04 and check the disks

My graphic card is a GTX 780.

Is there something I missed ?


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