Tuesday, March 22, 2016

grubrescue - How to make Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 13.10 dual-boot correctly?

My computer has two HDDs, one has 2T(Disk 1) while the other one has 500G(Disk 2). First I installed Windows 8.1 on disk1 and everything went well. Next I installed Ubuntu 13.10 desktop by a USB stick. I performed disk partition on disk2 manually and this is the partitions on disk2:

/dev/sdb1 | /boot | primary
/dev/sdb2 | / | primary
/dev/sdb5 | /swap | logical
/dev/sdb6 | /home | logical

I placed boot loader on /dev/sdb1 and then installation went on. After finishing copying files, the computer restarted and booted from HDD instead of USB stick. However, when I set the boot device as disk 1 I could enter Windows 8.1 but when I set disk2 as boot device I got GRUB problem reminding me of a device not found, entering GRUB rescue mode. I want to know what happened to Ubuntu installation and what can I do now.

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