Thursday, January 9, 2020

boot - How to restore Ubuntu GNU GRUB screen?

I installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS on my system along with Windows 10 as dual boot. The Ubuntu worked fine for few days, but last day there there were some updates in UBUNTU which I allowed to download and install. During that, my Ubuntu freeze with no mouse and keyboard working, so ultimately I had to force shutdown the system holding power key.
During next boot to the system, the system automatically got booted to Windows 10 with no GNU GRUB Boot loader missing. I tried few solutions from web, but nothing worked for me. I'll post details of solutions I already tried.
I tried boot repair using temporary booting of Ubuntu using flash drive but it also got failed and resulted in dpkg error.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y boot-repair && boot-repair

The error is dpkg-error detected. Please open a terminal then type

sudo chroot "/mnt/boot-sav/sda12" dpkg --configure -a 

On typing this command on terminal, error is

chroot:failed to run command

Is there any possible solution to restore Ubuntu without loosing data.

I tried removing Ubuntu from my machine with fixing Windows boot loader from CMD in Windows Recovery mode, but it's also showing Access Denied using bootrec /fixboot command.

Currently Windows is working fine on system but it's taking time to load up as I messed with boot settings by installing Ubuntu.

Any possible method to restore Ubuntu?
If not, how to fix my Windows System, so that I can install Ubuntu again.

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