Saturday, February 18, 2017

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS VirtualBox Guest Runs Very Slow

I'm running an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (32 bit) VirtualBox guest with >10GB storage and 2GB RAM on a Win7 (64-bit) laptop supporting VT-X. Like many others upgrading to 14.04 LTS noted here, Ubuntu runs very slow. The pace was tolerable until now.

I've enabled 3D Acceleration and set the controller SATA setting to use Host I/O Cache. I've toggled 32 and 64 bit. I don't know what else could be causing the performance decline as I have other guest operating systems working fine on same box.

Any suggestions are welcomed.

I've had the same issue. Install the VirtualBox guest additions and reboot. That solved the problem for me with Ubuntu 15.04, and it should work just fine for 14.04.

Also, 14.04 had some issues with GPU usage. If the above doesn't work, try upgrading to 14.10 or 15.04, they seemed to fix that problem.

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