Wednesday, July 20, 2016

grub2 - How do I investigate boot and partition issues?

My machine won't boot or won't choose the right operating system when I choose it in the GRUB menu. What information do I need to provide in my questions so people can help me?

The boot info script it a great way to get information for what's going on, especially to troubleshoot what's going on with your boot and partitions.

For 12.04 and newer:

sudo apt-get install boot-info-script pastebinit

And then run boot_info_script.

If you need to share the information with someone to help you with your partitions (especially here on Ask Ubuntu, you can use it in conjunction with pastebinit to post your boot information on the web:

sudo boot_info_script --stdout | pastebinit

This will automatically send the information to and return a URL for you. Take that URL and then edit it to your question.

For 11.10 and earlier:

  • Download the Boot Info Script

  • Extract the zip file to a directory of your choice.

  • Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal in Gnome) and type:

    sudo bash [path/to/the/download_folder]/

  • For example if you downloaded the file to the desktop, use:

    sudo bash ~/Desktop/

  • You will now have the file RESULTS.txt in the same directory as the script. But if the script is inside a system directory (like /usr or
    /etc) RESULTS.txt will be in the home directory.

If you have pastebinit installed you can send the results directly to

sudo bash --stdout | pastebinit

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